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Find your state board CE requirements:

For NBCC Counselor (NCC), click here: NCC CE Requirements.

California Registered Nursing CE

CA BRN Approved for California Registered Nursing CEUs

Mental Health Courses for Nurses that Need to Go Beyond Biology

California Registered Nursing CEAspira Continuing Education has been approved by the CA BRN for California Registered Nursing CE. AspiraCE’s provider number is CEP 15657.  Thus, let AspiraCE help you fulfill your CE requirements with courses covering all of the major mental health issues.

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California Registered Nursing CE for nurses seeking continuing education in the behavioral sciences field

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For you convenience, here are some excerpts from the CA BRN website about approved providers:

California Registered Nursing CE 2“INDEPENDENT OR HOME STUDY COURSES
Approved providers may offer independent or home study courses. There is no limit to the number of contact hours that can be completed through independent or home study courses. It is recommended that a description of the methodology used to grant contact hours for these courses be developed and kept on file by the CEP so that questions or complaints raised by those taking the course can be addressed by the BRN.”  (source:

Examples of general courses meeting BRN requirements are:

  • Theoretical content related to scientific knowledge for the practice of nursing.
  • Advanced courses in physical, social and behavioral sciences. Some examples are:
    • Physical sciences – pathophysiology and psychology courses related to subspecialties in nursing.
    • Social sciences – physical or cultural anthropology, sociology of the family, and social structure change.
    • Behavioral sciences – psychology courses including abnormal psychology, child psychology and mental health.” (source:


Nursing CE

Continuing education (CEU) courses offered

Aspira Continuing Education’s courses encompass all areas of mental health practice. Whether you are completing CEUs for your certification or maintain your license, our online continuing education courses provide the fastest, low cost, convenient way to fulfill your CEU requirements. We offer courses in the following subjects: