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Spousal/Partner Abuse Detection and Intervention CE Course

Purchasing UnitsFor pricing details and to purchase units, see our Pricing pageYou will need to purchase 1 unit for every 1 hour of coursework to gain access to the certificate of completion. (ie a 3-hour course will require 3 units)

Certificates of Completion — You will receive a certificate of completion after passing the exam, completing the course evaluation, and purchasing the appropriate number of units.  The certificate of completion will then be accessible on your myCourses page in the myCourses section under the tab “Aspira Courses I’ve Passed”.  There will be a “Download” button under the “Certificate” column that you will be able to click on to pull up your certificate once all requirements listed above have been met.

Course Content — To access the course document, click on the “View Coursework” button below (you may need to scroll down on the page). If the course is a video course the button will read “View Webinar” or “View Video”.  If the course is a Book course the button will display “Buy Book”.  If the course is with an outside agency, the button will display “Enroll in Course”.

Spousal/Partner Abuse Detection and Intervention CE Course – Online CE Course

Spousal/Partner Abuse Detection and Intervention CE Course Objectives and Outline:

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify and distinguish between at least two different types of abuse.
  2. Identify at least two spousal/partner abuse warning signs and/or symptoms.
  3. Describe at least two effects of spousal/partner abuse.
  4. Discuss at least two relevant cultural factors.
  5. Explain the clinical impact of IPV on children.
  6. Describe at least two warning signs of spousal/partner abuse later in life.
  7. Discuss at least one clinical strategy of Family Trauma Assessment.
  8. Describe at least two IPV screening tools.
  9. Discuss at least one consideration in treatment planning.
  10. Explain at least two IPV treatment interventions.
  11. Discuss one empirically supported intervention and/or treatment model for IPV.
  12. Identify at least two IPV applicable laws and other legal considerations.
  13. Discuss the relationship between substance abuse and spousal/partner abuse.
  14. Discuss at least two implications for prevention.
  15. Identify at least two relevant resources.

In addition to the course objectives listed above, this course addresses the following content areas related to spousal and partner abuse:

  • Counseling theory and practice
  • Social and Cultural Foundations
  • Assessment
  • Professional practice issues
  • Wellness and prevention

Course Outline:

  1. 1.Overvie
  2. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Awareness
  3. Prevalence and Characteristics of Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization
  4. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Children
  5. Intimate Partner Violence in Later Life
  6. The Connection Between IPV and Substance Abuse
  7. Family Trauma Assessment
  8. Intimate Partner Violence Screening, Detection, and Evaluation
  9. Intimate Partner Violence Intervention and Treatment
    1. Treatment Planning
    2. Trauma Informed Interventions for IPV
    3. Intervention and Treatment Issues
    4. Trauma-Specific Intervention and Treatment Models
    5. Crisis Intervention
  10. Legal Considerations
  11. Implications for Prevention
  12. Resources
  13. References

Instructors: Nicole Hiltibran, MA, LMFT; Julie Campbell, Phd

Author: Nicole Hiltibran, MA LMFT – SAMHSAUS Census BureauCDC

Nicole Hiltibran, MA LMFT has been in practice for over 20 years (for more details on Nicole Hiltibran’s credentials view our Principals page).  She wrote and compiled the information contained in this course from documents produced by SAMHSA, the US Census Bureau, and the CDC.


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spousal abuse, partner abuse, Domestic violence ce/ceus, ce course, ce/ceu for lmfts, interns, asw, mfccs, CA BBS, board approved, online ce/ceus, ce/ceus for MFTs, ce courses for counselors, Social Worker CE, continuing education units for LPCs, MHC ce/ceus, LCSW, ASW and MFT Intern ce/ceus, Board approved ce/ceus in many states, national board approval ce/ceus, alcohol and drug abuse counselor ce/ceus.  See chart below for your state and license.

Aspira Continuing Education has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6416. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Aspira Continuing Education is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

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