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Find your state board CE requirements:

For NBCC Counselor (NCC), click here: NCC CE Requirements.

Seamless Continuing Education Online for Psychologists, MFTs, Counselors, Social Workers, Addiction Counselors, and Nurses


Continuing Education For:

Psychologists   |  MFTs  |   Counselors

Social Workers  |  Addiction Counselors  |  Nurses


Scroll down to see Board Approvals & Pricing


Online Continuing Education in 3 Easy Steps

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Step 3

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What do people think about AspiraCE?

Great course overall! thanks!

"J.H., Asheville, NC"

The information provided in the course was very thorough and helpful in treating and assessing patients with suicidal ideations.

"J.L., Coral Springs, FL"

I enjoy the material and learn a great deal of information.

"N.R., Mountain View, CA"

I am glad my friend told me about this resource.

"S.M., Hammond, LA"

I love Aspira. I tell everyone I work with to use it as well.

"J.M., Los Angeles, CA"

Over 72,962 reviews with a 4.7 star average

Online CE – Continuing Education Courses

Online CE – Aspira CE offers board-approved Online CE Courses for Psychologist continuing education, MFT Continuing Education, Social Worker continuing education and Professional Counselor continuing education, Addiction/Substance Abuse Counselor continuing education, and Nursing continuing education.

Professional Counselor

LPC, LPCC, LCP, MHC, and Others

Professional Counselor CE


RN, LPN, LVN, and Others

Nursing CE

Aspira CE Board Approvals – Online Continuing Education

APA Approved

Aspira Continuing Education is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Aspira CE maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

NBCC Approved

Aspira Continuing Education has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6416. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Aspira Continuing Education is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

BBS Accepted

The CA BBS accepts all online CE courses offered by Aspira CE based upon our NBCC approval and our APA approval.  The CA BBS is no longer approving CE Providers themselves.  They have deferred this process to other Boards and Agencies.  Click here: FAQ page for more information.

And More...

To see all of Aspira CE’s approvals and corresponding provider numbers, just click here: Aspira CE Board Approvals

Why Choose Aspira CE for your online continuing education?

    • Save time

    • Save money

    • No travel – all online

    • LIVE customer supportWe are here to help.  Just call us at (805)386-7035.

    • Convenient

    • Easy to navigate website

    • Quality course content

    • Unlimited attempts to pass exam

    • Full access to courses and exams prior to purchase

Online CE Unit Pricing Options

Pick the option that works best for you!

100% money-back guarantee!

1 Year Limited Units

Use up to 18 units

over a period of 12 months


1 Year Unlimited Units

Unlimited units for 12 months



2 Year Unlimited Units

Unlimited units for 24 months



10 Year Unlimited Units

Unlimited units for 10 years!



Lifetime Unlimited Units

Unlimited units forever!



Individual Units

Purchase only the number of units you need

 1 – 9 units: $8/unit

10+ units: $6/unit