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Exam: ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Parts 1 & 2

TIP: To pass this exam, you will need to answer at least 75% of the questions correctly. There is no time limit, and you may retake the exam as often as you need.  You can print a copy of this exam by clicking on the Print Exam button below.

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1. ACT assumes that the psychological processes of a normal human mind are often destructive and create:(Required)
2. Questions such as ‘What is important to me?’ and ‘What direction do I want my life to go in?’ are examples of which ACT component:(Required)
3. Stepping back from thoughts and observing their presence without judgment is defined as which ACT skill?(Required)
4. Psychological flexibility has which three primary components?(Required)
5. The client’s story of what the problem is and how the client wants their life to be different is information gathered in the _________________ stage.(Required)
6. A few of the ACT core therapist competences are:(Required)
7. In the case study of Neil, the exercise that Neil found particularly helpful was:(Required)
8. One of the benefits of using metaphors with clients is:(Required)
9. The central theme of the metaphor “Passengers on a Bus” is:(Required)
10. ACT has been shown to be effective with what populations?(Required)
11. What does the acronym ACT stand for?(Required)
12. How is ACT distinguished from CBT?(Required)
13. Justice, happiness, and service are examples of what?(Required)
14. What physical object is used in the ACT metaphor to demonstrate the concept of our thoughts blocking our view of other things in the world?(Required)
15. One of the ACT-based reflection questions to consider during the COVID-19 pandemic is:(Required)